Optical Reflection Software

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  1. Optical Reflection Software Download
  2. Optical Reflection Software Pdf
  1. OSLO (Optics Software for Layout and Optimization) is a powerful optical design program with the scope needed to meet today's optical design requirements. In addition to classical lens design features, it combines advanced ray tracing, analysis, and optimization methods with a high-speed macro language to solve a wide variety of new problems.
  2. Reflection of light. Reflection of light is either specular (mirror-like) or diffuse (retaining the energy, but losing the image) depending on the nature of the interface.In specular reflection the phase of the reflected waves depends on the choice of the origin of coordinates, but the relative phase between s and p (TE and TM) polarizations is fixed by the properties of the media and of the.
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Optical Reflection Software Download


Optical design software allows the user to develop a configuration of optical elements that manipulate the trajectory of light for the purposes of creating an image, illuminating a target, coupling into a fiber, and so on. Multilayer coating properties such as reflection, transmission and absorption, among other properties, may be computed.

An optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) is an optoelectronic instrument used to characterize an optical fiber. An OTDR is the optical equivalent of an electronic time domain reflectometer. It injects a series of optical pulses into the fiber under test and extracts, from the same end of the fiber, light that is scattered (Rayleigh backscatter) or reflected back from points along the fiber. The scattered or reflected light that is gathered back is used to characterize the optical fiber. This is equivalent to the way that an electronic time-domain meter measures reflections caused by changes in the impedance of the cable under test. The strength of the return pulses is measured and integrated as a function of time, and plotted as a function of length of the fiber.

Reliability and quality of OTDR equipment[edit]

Ffmpeg for mac. The reliability and quality of an OTDR is based on its accuracy, measurement range, ability to resolve and measure closely spaced events, measurement speed, and ability to perform satisfactorily under various environmental extremes and after various types of physical abuse. The instrument is also judged on the basis of its cost, features provided, size, weight, and ease of use.

Some of the terms often used in specifying the quality of an OTDR are as follows:

Accuracy: Defined as the correctness of the measurement i.e., the difference between the measured value and the true value of the event being measured.
Measurement range: Defined as the maximum attenuation that can be placed between the instrument and the event being measured, for which the instrument will still be able to measure the event within acceptable accuracy limits.

Optical Reflection Software Pdf

Instrument resolution: Is a measure of how close two events can be spaced and still be recognized as two separate events. The duration of the measurement pulse and the data sampling interval create a resolution limitation for OTDRs. The shorter the pulse duration and the shorter the data sampling interval, the better the instrument resolution, but the shorter the measurement range. Resolution is also often limited when powerful reflections return to the OTDR and temporarily overload the detector. When this occurs, some time is required before the instrument can resolve a second fiber event. Some OTDR manufacturers use a 'masking' procedure to improve resolution. The procedure shields or 'masks' the detector from high-power fiber reflections, preventing detector overload and eliminating the need for detector recovery.

Industry requirements for the reliability and quality of OTDRs are specified in the Generic Requirements for Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Type Equipment.[1]

Types of OTDR-like test equipment[edit]

The common types of OTDR-like test equipment are: Gta 5 redux best reshade.

  1. Full-feature OTDR:
    Full-feature OTDRs are traditional, optical time domain reflectometers. They are feature-rich and usually larger, heavier, and less portable than either the hand-held OTDR or the fiber break locator. Despite being characterized as large, their size and weight is only a fraction of that of early generation OTDRs. Often a full-feature OTDR has a main frame that can be fitted with multi-function plug-in units to perform many fiber measurement tasks. Larger color displays are common. The full-feature OTDR often has a greater measurement range than the other types of OTDR-like equipment. Often it is used in laboratories and in the field for difficult fiber measurements. Most full-feature OTDRs are powered from AC and/or a battery.
  2. Hand-held OTDR and Fiber break locator:
    Hand-held (formerly mini) OTDRs and fiber break locators are designed to troubleshoot fiber networks in a field environment, often using battery power. The two types of instruments cover the spectrum of approaches to fiber optic plant taken by communication providers. Hand-held, inexpensive OTDRs are intended to be easy-to-use, light-weight, sophisticated OTDRs that collect field data and perform rudimentary data analysis. They may be less feature rich than full-feature OTDRs. Often they can be used in conjunction with PC-based software to perform data collection and sophisticated data analysis. Hand-held OTDRs are commonly used to measure fiber links and locate fiber breaks, points of high loss, high reflectance, end-to-end loss, and Optical Return Loss (ORL).
    Fiber break locators are intended to be low-cost instruments specifically designed to determine the location of a catastrophic fiber event, e.g., fiber break, point of high reflectance, or high loss. The fiber break locator is an opto-electronic tape measure designed to measure only distance to catastrophic fiber events.
    In general, hand-held OTDRs and fiber break locators are lighter and smaller, simpler to operate, and more likely to employ battery power than full-feature OTDRs. The intent with hand-held OTDRs and fiber break locators is to be inexpensive enough for field technicians to be equipped with one as part of a standard tool kit.
  3. RTU in RFTSs:
    The RTU is the testing module of the RFTS described in Generic Requirements for Remote Fiber Testing Systems (RFTSS).[2] An RFTS enables fiber to be automatically tested from a central location. A central computer is used to control the operation of OTDR-like test components located at key points in the fiber network. The test components scan the fiber to locate problems. If a problem is found, its location is noted and the appropriate personnel are notified to begin the repair process. The RFTS can also provide direct access to a database that contains historical information of the OTDR fiber traces and any other fiber records for the physical fiber plant.
    Since OTDRs and OTDR-like equipment have many uses in the communications industry, operating environments vary widely, both indoors and outdoors. Most often, however, these test sets are operated in controlled environments, accessing the fibers at their termination points on fiber distribution frames. Indoor environments include controlled areas such as central offices (COs), equipment huts, or Controlled Environment Vaults (CEVs). Use in outside environments is rarer, but may include use in a manhole, aerial platform, open trench, or splicing vehicle.

OTDR data format[edit]

In the late 1990s, OTDR industry representatives and the OTDR user community developed a unique data format to store and analyze OTDR fiber data. This data was based on the specifications in GR-196, Generic Requirements for Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Type Equipment. The goal was for the data format to be truly universal, in that it was intended to be implemented by all OTDR manufacturers. OTDR suppliers developed the software to implement the data format. As they proceeded, they identified inconsistencies in the format, along with areas of misunderstanding among users.


From 1997 to 2000, a group of OTDR supplier software specialists attempted to resolve problems and inconsistencies in what was then called the 'Bellcore' OTDR Data Format. This group, called the OTDR Data Format Users Group (ODFUG), made progress. Since then, many OTDR developers continued to work with other developers to solve individual interaction problems and enable cross use between manufacturers.

In 2011, Telcordia decided to compile industry comments on this data format into one document entitled Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Data Format. This Special Report (SR) summarizes the state of the Bellcore OTDR Data Format, renaming it as the Telcordia OTDR Data Format.[3]

The data format is intended for all OTDR-related equipment designed to save trace data and analysis information. Initial implementations require standalone software to be provided by the OTDR supplier to convert existing OTDR trace files to the SR-4731 data format and to convert files from this universal format to a format that is usable by their older OTDRs. This file conversion software can be developed by the hardware supplier, the end user, or a third party. This software also provides backward compatibility of the OTDR data format with existing equipment.

The SR-4731 format describes binary data. While text information is contained in several fields, most numbers are represented as either 16-bit (2-byte) or 32-bit (4-byte) signed or unsigned integers stored as binary images. Byte ordering in this file format is explicitly low-byte ordering, as is common on Intel processor-based machines. String fields are terminated with a zero byte '0'. OTDR waveform data are represented as short, unsigned integer data uniformly spaced in time, in units of decibels (dB) times 1000, referenced to the maximum power level. The maximum power level is set to zero, and all waveform data points are assumed to be zero or negative (the sign bit is implied), so that the minimum power level in this format is -65.535 dB, and the minimum resolution between power level steps is 0.001 dB. In some cases, this will not provide sufficient power range to represent all waveform points. For this reason, the use of a scale factor has been introduced to expand the data point power range.[3] Crack puk code sim card.

See also[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Optical time-domain reflectometers.


  1. ^Generic Requirements for Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Type Equipment, Telcordia (Ericsson Inc), Sep 2010, retrieved 15 April 2015
  2. ^Generic Requirements for Remote Fiber Testing Systems (RFTSs), Telcordia (Ericsson Inc), January 2000, retrieved 15 April 2015
  3. ^ abDonovan, Terry (Jul 2011), Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Data Format, Telcordia (Ericsson Inc), retrieved 15 April 2015
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Optical_time-domain_reflectometer&oldid=943662280'

When a light beam (e.g. a laser beam) reaches an interface between two different transparent media, it is partly transmitted into the other medium and partly reflected back into the original medium.

Complete transmission without any reflection would require impedance matching.Essentially all optical materials (except for some photonic metamaterials) have the relative permeability μ = 1, and in that case the impedance depends only on the refractive index.Therefore, the optical reflectivity at such an interface depends only on the refractive indices of the materials, and it vanishes if those indices are identical.

Quantitatively, the reflectivity and transmissivity at such an interface can be calculated with Fresnel equations for an arbitrary angle of incidence.The reflections themselves are called Fresnel reflections.

For the simplest case with normal incidence on the interface, the Fresnel reflectivity can be calculated with the following equation:

Examples for Fresnel Reflections

Fresnel reflections occur in many situations; some examples:

  • When a laser beam is sent through an optical window with a single sheet of glass, there are reflections from both sides of the glass.Typical reflectivities of such interfaces (if they are not coated) are a few percent.For non-perpendicular incidence of the beam, one can easily see multiple reflections: primary reflections from the two interfaces, leading to two parallel reflected beams, plus additional week or beams related to multiple reflections of light.
  • Fresnel reflections sometimes lead to parasitic lasing, e.g. in fiber amplifiers and slab lasers.
  • In light emitting diodes (LEDs), Fresnel reflections make it difficult to efficiently extract the generated light; special LED designs have been developed to overcome that problem.
  • Fresnel reflections also occur at the ends of optical fibers.When the ends of two fibers are fitted together (e.g. in a mechanical splice), but with a small air gap in between, there are Fresnel reflections from both sides of the gap.They can largely cancel each other if the width of the gap is far below one optical wavelength, but for larger gap sizes the effective reflectivity can be up to four times that of a single interface due to constructive interference (see Figure 1).
  • Dielectric mirrors utilize Fresnel reflections at multiple optical interfaces, often with constructive interference of such reflections.
  • Fresnel reflections are essential for the operation principle of birefringent tuners.
  • For some fiber lasers, the Fresnel reflection at a fiber end is used for closing the laser resonator.Effectively, such a fiber end serves as an output coupler with a reflectivity of typically somewhat below 4%.The same technique is used for many laser diodes; here, the Fresnel reflectivity is substantially larger due to the high refractive index of the semiconductor material.

Suppression of Fresnel Reflections

In optics and laser technology, Fresnel reflections are often disturbing – particularly when they occur at normal incidence, so that the reflected beam goes back to the source and can have detrimental effects, for example on the operation of a laser.Besides, such reflections can cause unwanted loss of optical power.For such reasons, one often uses measures to more or less suppress Fresnel reflections.The following measures are common:

  • One may use anti-reflection coatings.Essentially, with a single or multiple coating layers one creates additional optical interfaces such that the Fresnel reflections from the different interfaces cancel each other by destructive interference.The suppression which is possible in that way is often sufficient to avoid significant losses of optical power, but still often insufficient to avoid detrimental effects of parasitic reflections on laser operation.
  • Detrimental effects of parasitic reflections are often avoided simply by avoiding exactly normal incidence, so that any reflected light will be spatially separated from the original beam.For example, laser crystals in bulk lasers are often slightly tilted against the laser beam to avoid exactly normal incidence.Output couplers of lasers are sometimes made with wedged mirror substrates so that parasitic reflections from the backside occur in a slightly different direction.Fiber ends are sometimes cleaved with a substantial angle.
  • By using an angle of incidence which is Brewster's angle, one can largely suppress any reflections for p polarization (without using any coatings).For example, many prisms are cut such that one has such angles at both interfaces.

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See also: Fresnel equations, refractive index, anti-reflection coatings
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